Services for All Educators

Decorative; Teacher Helping Child

Partner with us

For more information about implementing VTSS in your school division, contact Michael Gregory, VTSS Coordinator:

The Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports is a data-driven, decision-making framework for establishing the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional supports needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students.

Participating divisions receive the following supports and services:

  • Establishment of an individualized VTSS implementation and professional development plan created in collaboration with each division leadership team
  • Minimum of four statewide/regional professional learning events per year
  • On-site technical assistance provided by assigned VTSS coaches (minimum one on-site visit per month)
  • Systems coaching training (36 hours) for division leaders
  • Access to web-based professional learning modules and training
  • Training and site license(s) to a web-based behavior information system, School-Wide Information System (SWIS)

School division leaders who are interested in becoming a participating division or who want to learn more about VTSS should complete the VTSS Readiness webinar series

For information and materials from past or upcoming training events and other professional learning opportunities, visit our Professional learning page.


VTSS has a proven track record of positive results for its participating schools.

Currently, 604 Virginia schools in 58 divisions are participating in VTSS. Each year, participating schools submit fidelity of implementation and student outcome data to the Virginia Department of Education.

***** We are now up to 649 Virginia schools.