End-of-Year Tricks

End-of-Year (EOY) data collection seems overwhelming for many. Do not panic! We provide some tips and tricks to successfully completing this EOY data submission.

  • Enrollment Totals
    • The enrollment total should reflect the demographics of the schools on a single school day.
    • Always enter a number, not a percentage, and zero if none.
    • We recommend using the September 30th enrollment breakdown including gender and race/ethnicity that was submitted to the feds.
    • IEP totals by gender and race/ethnicity breakdown may come from December 1st special education counts.
    • The December 1st counts do not include 504 totals. Ask for the 504 counts by gender and race/ethnicity breakdown from your data entry person to combine with the IEP data.
    • All IEPs and 504s - list primary disability only. If a student has more than one disability, only count the primary disability. After counting all the IEPs, then count the students with 504 plans.
    • The POC will be unable to submit the data if the numbers do not match across the instrument. Mismatches will appear on the POC’s control page. Next to each category, a message reading in green font “are consistent,” or in red font “are inconsistent” will indicate success or failure. Incorrect numbers are highlighted in yellow.
    • Your Division Special Education Director may be able to help retrieve special education referrals, evaluations, and eligibility by race (Black, White, Other).
    • If a value is unknown please contact your Division Coordinator or Systems Coach.
  • Outcome Summary Data
    • Office discipline referrals (ODRs), in-school suspensions (ISSs), and out-of-school suspensions (OSSs) totals by gender with race/ethnicity and by primary disability are needed. Ask your data person to pull these totals.
    • Always enter a number, not a percentage, and zero if none.
    • If there are no students in a category enrolled in the school, then enter zero for the corresponding ODR, ISS, and OSS values. For example, if a school does not have any students with “Other Health Impairment (OHI)” enter zero for ODR – OHI, ISS – OHI, and OSS – OHI.
    • ODRs will include ISSs and OSSs.
    • The POC will be unable to submit the data if the numbers do not match across the instrument. Mismatches will appear on the POC’s control page. Next to each category, a message reading in green font “are consistent,” or in red font “are inconsistent” will indicate success or failure. Incorrect numbers are highlighted in yellow.
    • If a value is unknown please contact your Division Coordinator or Systems Coach.