When the VTSS website Administrator has approved the POC transfer request a confirmation email will be sent to the new POC.
The new POC MUST click on the link at the bottom of this email and confirm the reassignment for the transfer to take effect.
The link at the bottom of this email is the secure URL that the POC will use to access the VTSS Data Collection Portal. Please save this link for future use.
The previous POC will receive email notification of the POC change once approved.
If the new POC does not confirm the reassignment by clicking the link provided in the confirmation email, they will not be able to access the data collection project nor serve as the POC for their school.
Ensure the confirmation email does not get caught in a spam filter. The email sender will be pbisva@odu.edu.
Sometimes the link at the bottom of the confirmation email does not appear to be hyperlinked. The new POC can copy-paste the address into the address bar to access the link.