Total Performance System (TPS): Utilizing a Process to Increase Coaching Effectiveness Using Self-Reflection, Data, and Goal Setting. TPS will take your coaching sessions to the next level and provide valuable coaching effectiveness feedback to improve the well-being of those you are coaching and increase competency through reflective, non-evaluative conversations.

We know that things come up; however, in order to engage in the process in a meaningful way it is the expectation that participants will engage in all sessions. Session dates and times can be found below.

Description of Event:

An iterative process to support the continuity of coaching expectations, practices, characteristics, and behaviors among coaching providers within the division’s coaching system utilizing Abernathy’s (2000) total performance system (TPS). The purpose is to support the sustainability and implementation of MTSS.

The components of TPS include:

1) Coaches Expectation Matrix, Self-Management Tools, and Feedback Rubrics (objective measures to evaluate individual progress),

2) Coaches Feedback ScoreCard,

3) Performance Charts and Tactical Improvement Plan (flowchart pinpointing obstacles to maximum performance),

4) Performance-based incentives.

Schedule of Virtual Professional Learning:


Date and Time



Kick-Off “What is Total Performance System?” Progress Monitoring

February 4 & 5, 2025

8:00 - 12:00

Zoom Link

Ethics Utilizing the Coaches Code

February 27, 2025

9:00 - 3:00

Zoom Link

Coaching and the MTSS Blueprint

March 19, 2025

8:00 - 12:00

Zoom Link

Please contact your VTSS State Systems Coaches with any questions regarding this exciting event!


Division Coaches, Division Coordinators, and any personnel who directly coach the implementation of MTSS.


This training is for PK-12 educational professionals participating in VTSS in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We reserve the right to cancel registrations of individuals who do not meet this criteria.

Photographs and/or videos may be taken during this training to be used in a photo gallery, either on the VTSS -RIC or VDOE websites, or in a display via social media sources. If you do not want to be included in photos or videos, please contact us at

Certificates of Attendance will be distributed at the conclusion of the training. We do not issue formal Continuing Educational Units (CEUs).