Tier 1 Forum - Academic TFI (ATFI) Community of Practice (CoP)

As a follow-up to the ATFI, this CoP is designed to offer an opportunity to implement practices, share successes, and provide a platform for discussion about your work. Participants will be driving the conversation in a structured format in which everyone will engage with a ‘crew’ of other participants from different school divisions. Formative Assessment will be the overarching topic with the following focus areas:

  1. Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and criteria for success.
  2. Engineering effective classroom discussions, activities, and learning tasks that elicit evidence of learning.
  3. Providing feedback that moves learning forward.
  4. Activating learners as instructional resources for one another.
  5. Activating learners as owners of their own learning

Intended Audience

This event is intended for classroom teachers and instructional coaches as a part of a school team who attended Tier 1 Forum - Academic TFI (ATFI) during the summer of 2020.

Registration will be provided by invitation only to those individuals; should you desire to attend, please contact Wanda Vaughan at wvaughan@vcu.edu.

For the 2020-2021 school year, there will be three virtual sessions all running from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.:

  • Part 1, January 12
  • Part 2, March 17
  • Part 3, May 11

Zoom link

Please make sure you have the latest version of Zoom before attending the virtual session. 
