Tier 1 Resources
Materials in this collection support the implementation of evidence-based instruction and academic and behavior supports for all students.
Tier 1 Forums
Tier 1 Forums are hosted each summer by the VDOE in several locations around the Commonwealth. The focus is on developing a system of core instructional practices that are implemented with all students and have a likelihood of successful outcomes. When implemented with fidelity, these practices should effectively minimize the amount of targeted and individualized instruction necessary, which in turn makes advanced tier supports more manageable to resource. Initial implementers begin here.
Data-Informed Decision-Making
This interactive professional learning event focused on developing, implementing, and sustaining a data-informed decision-making process in order to strengthen the effectiveness of Tier 1 instruction for behavior, academics, and mental wellness. Anchored to the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI 1.12 – 1.15), this event is intended for school-based leadership teams and the division team members who support them.
More about the Data-Informed Decision-Making training
Effective Classroom Systems
Effective Classroom Systems is designed to facilitate team learning and planning around Universal or Tier 1 Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports effective classroom practices. Classroom practices are those strategies essential to effective instruction and include: managing the classroom environment, encouraging/reinforcing appropriate behavior, responding to inappropriate behavior, active supervision, opportunities to respond, classroom expectations, routines, and procedures aligned with school-wide expectations.
More about the Effective Classroom Systems training
Defusing Disruptive Behaviors
Anchored to core features of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) and reflective of the effective responses flowchart, Defusing Disruptive Behavior focuses on understanding the behaviors of students who struggle in school. Division- and school-based leadership teams and selected teacher leaders will learn to support students more effectively in the classroom through the use of evidence-based strategies.