Strand 3: Advanced Tiers
Strand Three is intended for central office team members who will help schools build their understanding and framework at the school level. The first session of the Advanced Tiers Strand focuses on Teaming, Data-Informed Decision Making, Screening, Decision Rules, and Fidelity. Teams will be provided time to work as a team.
The first session of the Advanced Tiers Strand focuses on Teaming, Data-Informed Decision Making, Screening, Decision Rules, and Fidelity. Teams will be provided time to work as a team.
Intended Audience: Central office team members who will help schools build their understanding and framework at the school level.
Learning Intentions:
- Participants apply the Data Informed Decision- Making Process for Advanced Tiers implementation (Matrix 2.B).
- Participants coordinate collaboration with school teams to ensure fidelity and effectiveness of the meeting structures used for data informed decision making (2.C).
- Participants analyze current definitions of each tier and design aligned operational definitions for multi-tiered supports across domains for efficient implementation (Matrix 1.F).
The December virtual session will allow participants to build on Data-Informed Decision-Making to make instructional decisions and ways to adopt and support interventions for students requiring support at Tiers 2 and 3. Teams will analyze their division continuum of supports that is utilized to ensure an instructional match that is culturally responsive for all learners. Teams will define how schools will be supported to analyze progress monitoring data to determine the impact of interventions and make decisions to change the level of support.
Intended Audience: Division Leadership Teams comprised of individuals who provide support to school-based coaches. Strands 1 and 2 are typically completed prior to attending Strand 3.
Learning Intentions:
- Participants will provide school teams guidance for evidenced-based selection of advanced tiers interventions.
- Participants will create or enhance division continuum of supports with culturally responsive interventions matched to student instruction needs.
- Participants will define how schools will be supported to analyze progress monitoring data to determine the impact of interventions and to make decisions to change the level of support. VTSS Implementation Matrix 1E, 1F, 3B, 3C and 5E
Zoom Link
Please make sure you have the latest version of Zoom before attending the virtual session.
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