Systems Coaching Institute 101
VTSS Systems Coaching Institutes (SCI) are designed in two parts (Systems Coaching Institute 101 and Systems Coaching Institute 102). The VTSS Systems Coaching Institutes will support division systems coaches in developing and applying the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to facilitate division and school teams through the development of the MTSS framework, including the design and implementation of a division-wide system for coaching.
Who should attend?
Please work with your VTSS Systems Coaches to determine your professional learning goals and attendance.
The VTSS Systems Coaching Institute is for division-level Systems Coaches and any division level staff who coach school teams. Basic understanding of the foundations of MTSS will help participants engage with the content.
- Multi-tiered Systems of Support
- The VTSS Implementation Matrix
- The VTSS Implementation Logic
- Data-Informed Decision Making
Learning Intentions:
- Develop an awareness of VA’s six core components of MTSS, as defined by the VTSS Implementation Matrix
- Understand the role of a division systems coach and how to use the highlighted coaching tools: NIRN Coaching Practice Profile, VTSS Coaching Checklist, Managing Complex Change Chart
- Apply the lens of coaching to the Aligned Organizational Structure VTSS component
- Explore two components of the NIRN Coaching Profile: Creating an Enabling and Collaborative Context and Performance Feedback
- Begin to examine and apply communication skills through guided practice
What to expect
The Coaching Institute 101 will support systems coaches in developing and applying the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to facilitate the development of the VTSS framework at both the division and school level.
When you register, each participant will receive a copy of the book, The Art of Coaching Teams by Elena Aguilar! We will be using the book throughout our sessions! You will be asked for your mailing address in order for your book to be sent to you.
Systems Coaching Institute 102 will be your next learning series in the institute! Stay tuned for more information to be sent out in the future.
- SCI 101 Presentation
- SCI101 Workbook
- Annotated Visual of Implementation Logic
- Coaching Checklist
- Communication Bookmark
- Compass Points Activity
- Enabling Context for EBPs
- Greenleaf Scenario
- Guide to Building a Sustainable Coaching System
- Managing Complex Change Chart
- MTSS Core Components
- MTSS Division Leadership Team Roster
- NIRN Practice Profile 1.8
- PBIS Implementation Visual
- Practice Profile for Coaching
- Resources / Activity: Reflective Communication Tally Sheet
- Restorative Practices Implementation Visual
- Science of Reading Implementation Visual
- Scenarios for Managing Complex Change
- Social Emotional Learning Implementation Visual
- Virginia's MTSS Coaching Model
- VTSS Cascading Roles and Responsibilities
- VTSS Sample Agenda Form
- Working Smarter (Not Harder) Exercise